Our History

Cooperation, Dialogue, Knowledge base, Lobby power, Social capital, Unified representation of interests, Market actions


Since 2002 MLSZKSZ has been a significant association of logistic and transport in Hungary and it comprises about 90 % of the Hungarian logistic service centres. MLSZKSZ is unique, as it is the only association that covers the complete service chain; the other organisations deal only with certain areas of logistics.

At present MLSZKSZ has 80 member organisations and – based on the revenues of 2017 – the national economy strength represented by us exceeds 450 billion HUF.

Board members

Fülöp Zsolt


Delog Kft.
managing director

Körös Norbert

Member of the Board

Rail Cargo Hungaria Zrt.

Cseh Ottó

Member of the Board

Budapest Szabadkikötő Logisztikai Zrt.

Kossuth József

Member of the Board

Budapest Airport Zrt.
cargo manager

Szepessy Kornél

Member of the Board

HungaroControl Zrt.

Tóth Anna

Member of the Board

Euro-Holges Vámügynökség Kft.
managing director

Fábián Zoltán

Member of the Board

MAHART Container Center Kft.
managing director

Boda János

Member of the Board

GySEV Cargo Zrt.

Control Committee


Vojdyla Judit

Control Committee

ATI Depo Zrt.

Haiszer Zita

Control Committee

Sygnus Kereskedelmi Kft.
commercial director

Nagy László

Control Committee President

Baja Országos Közforgalmú Kikötőműködtető Kft.
managing director

Bíró Koppány Ajtony

secretary general

Válassza ki a pénznemét
HUF Hungarian forint
EUR Euro